January 2023 Monthly Events and Tips and Tricks

Monthly Newsletter

Welcome to the latest edition of the Panda Consulting Monthly Newsletter. We hope that this transition will help you become better informed on the Esri GIS software and bring attention to opportunities to learn and advance your skills.

Every month, we will list all events at which we will appear or present, together with, providing a Tips and Tricks section in which we will provide access to those little tricks that can help you become more efficient in your edits and maintenance.

As always, all feedback is welcomed and suggestions for future articles or topics are greatly appreciated.

Frank Conkling

Panda Consulting YouTube Page

We are very happy to announce that we have created a Panda Consulting YouTube page from which you can access and watch all previous videos.  The YouTube page offers several advantages, including the ability to watch the recordings without downloading them and the ability to give us feedback through the comments sections for topics that you would like to see in the future or topics that you would like some clarification on.

Panda Consulting Events Calendar

To help keep you informed of the upcoming and past workshops and conferences, we have created an Events Calendar and a Workshop and Events Page with links to all past and scheduled events.  The entries include links to put the workshops on your calendar. This will become the main place at which we notify you and others of the workshop schedule. Please be sure to check them out.

This Month's Events and Workshops

January 5, 2023, at 3:00 - 4:00 pm ET
ArcGIS Workshop

This month: Arcade Lesson 2 - Conditionals
This workshop continues our introduction to the Arcade language and explore the use of conditional expressions, including if else, logical functions and is empty, and time, permitting, we may also look at loops. This is lesson two in a three part series. Please join us.

January 19, 2023, at 3:00 - 4:00 pm ET
ArcGIS Parcel Fabric Workshop

This month: The ArcGIS Parcel Fabric and Splits and Combines
Considering the changes in ArcGIS Pro 3.X and the many updates that have occurred since our last Splits and Combines workshop, we will look at how to best perform parcel splits and combines in the latest release and explore the Transfer Parcels function further. Please join us.

Tips and Tricks

Each month we will be providing a short tip or trick to help you make the transition to ArcGIS Pro easier. Please feel free to send us suggestions on things that you would like us to show you. 

Easily Reset Panes

In ArcGIS Pro, you can easily reset your panes to provide for a cleaner interface.  You can reset the panes, Mapping, Editing or Geoprocessing by selecting the Reset Panes command on the View Tab.

This will reset the pane to only show those panes applicable to that function. Give it a try and let us know what you think.

Know anyone interested in receiving this newsletter?, Register at the bottom of this page